Today Kaylee and I had a trip out to Edinburgh for the afternoon to meet up with friends and family and we decided that we'd take the train over for a change and a bit of a treat for Kaylee. Kaylee loved being on the train, seeing all the people, giggling every time we went into the tunnel and waving to the cows, cars and big airplane she saw during the journey. While she enjoyed the journey I can only say that as a parent of a baby in a buggy I found it a bit traumatic to say the least!
We left from Markinch Station in Fife and I am very happy to report that the refurbishments to the station are fantastic. The new 120 space car park meant that I could easily find a space to leave the car and being able to buy my ticket at the station made a very welcome change from what used to be not much more that a village halt. However the winds had caused problems with the automatic doors which were now closed meaning that I had to walk around the the second entrance to the ticket office which was only accessible by a short flight of stairs. My only option was to take Kaylee out of her buggy, leave it at the bottom of the stairs and take her in with me to buy my tickets. Not ideal but manageable.
Getting on and off trains with a Baby, Baby-Bag, and Buggy is to say the least... difficult! Luckily today we met some very lovely people who helped us carry the buggy on and off the train, not in the least a wonderful conductor on the First Scotrail train we got home, named Aileen, who when she checked my ticket just after we got onto the train, offered to come back when we were getting off to help us with the buggy and our bags leaving me free to carry Kaylee... she even put the buggy up for me and made sure we we're OK before sending the train on its way to Perth!
So I'd just like to say a BIG thank you to those kind strangers who made our day a little easier!