It would appear that I have taken the first step on the property ladder with my partner Alan and bought a little 2 bedroom house. So the place is now a mess of boxes and things are starting to be packed away. We got the mortgage approval this morning and went and put up our little signs on the house. We'll be moving the end of the month if everything goes through with the Lawyers and such OK. AND... we have a garden!!! My plan is to plant lots of Budlia bushes so we can attract butterflies to the garden. I really want to get an archway and plant honeysuckle to grow over it... really reminds me of my childhood, there was an arch that my Dad built covered in honeysuckle at the back garden gate and I remember getting a huge waft of the honeysuckle as I came in from school!!
Looks like I'm going to have to have a bit of a clear out again... may be doing a car boot sale this weekend!!
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