So I've been indulging my goth side recently and catching up on episodes of True Blood. I have to say I LOVE this series and hope that its not going to get cancelled any time soon! For those of you not in the know it is loosely based on the "The Southern Vampyre Mysteries" series of novels by Charlaine Harris. It details the co-existence of vampyres and humans in Bon Temps, a fictional small town in Louisiana. The series centers on Sookie Stackhouse played by Anna Paquin (My Girl, X-Men), a telepathic waitress at a bar, who falls in love with vampire Bill Compton.
Both the first and second seasons have been so addictive and fantastic to watch... really looking forward to the third season now!!
Both the first and second seasons have been so addictive and fantastic to watch... really looking forward to the third season now!!